DRIVERS in north Hampshire can expect to be quizzed at the roadside throughout September and October.

Starting next Tuesday, motorists will be asked to give on-the-spot information about the journey they are making to help Hampshire County Council work out traffic patterns and plan what is needed in transport and road improvements.

It is claimed the surveys should take no more than two minutes each, at about 30 roadside sites in the north Hampshire, west Surrey and south Bracknell Forest areas, on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays.

To avoid delays at busy sites, pre-paid postcards will be handed out for people to fill in and return by post.

The information will help in bids to the Government for large transport schemes, which require up-to-date survey information.

Hampshire County Council's executive member for economy, transport and environment, Councillor Seán Woodward apologised in advance for any disruption.

He explained: “Accurate information is vital. In order to ensure the survey results accurately reflect the travel patterns of commuters, advance notice of exact locations and dates for these survey sites cannot be publicised. We will try to keep any delays to a minimum.

“I hope people will understand the importance of these surveys, and where they are given a postcard, take just a few minutes to fill it in and put it in the post. We will be grateful for their co-operation.”

More information about traffic and travel surveys is available on the County Council's website at