A PLAN for Gypsy and Traveller pitches on the edge of the Hounsome Fields housing estate has come under fire from residents, with more than 50 objections.

Vistry Homes has returned with a second application for two pitches on the junction of Winchester Road and Trenchard Lane, Dummer.

The developer’s first proposal was rejected by the borough council’s development control committee in May after it was deemed to be isolated and dangerous.

READ MORE: Gypsy and traveller pitches for new development criticised for being 'isolated'

A planning document for the new proposal states: “This application looks to directly respond to the reasons for refusal by improving the connectivity between the proposed pitches and the wider development and in doing so removing any feeling of segregation between the ‘travelling community and the settled community’.”

The new scheme includes 1.7m wide hoggin path which will run the north-eastern boundary of the Gypsy and Traveller site along the south-western and north-western boundaries of the approved allotments on the estate, which the developer says “removes the ‘reliance upon the private motor car’”.

The proposed fencing has also been reduced from 1.8m to 1.6m.

“Whilst it is recognised that connectivity is important between the Gypsy and Traveller site and the wider development, it is also important to find a balance between connectivity and the provision of privacy,” the document continues.

Despite the changes made, 52 objections and one neutral comment have been lodged with the borough council.

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Mike Dearlove and Jackie Wilkinson said: “The proposed changes in this new application fail to address the prime reason for rejection of the earlier application, namely ‘the potential for successful integration between travelling and settled communities’. They are the absolute barest minimum being offered by the developer as they obviously do not wish to see these sites located closer to the majority of higher priced, open market, housing on the site as was indicated in the original Hounsome Fields planning submissions.”

Neil Budd wrote: “If the council's desire is to integrate the traveller pitches into the wider development, then this proposal falls woefully short. The site could not be farther from the centre of the Hounsome Fields development and including a footpath between the two falls far short of proper integration.”

Others raised concerns about anti-social behaviour and the separate entrance on Trenchard Lane which will take out established hedges and wildlife.