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Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Members' Allowances - 2012/2013

Basingstoke and Deane
Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council Members' Allowances - 2012/2013
In order to comply with The Local Authorities (Members Allowance) (England) Regulations 2003, the council is required to publish the total sum paid to each councillor every year under the council's Members' Allowances Scheme.
In addition to the basic members' allowances a number of councillors receive special responsibility allowances for holding positions such as the Leader and Deputy Leader of the council, Mayor and Deputy Mayor, cabinet members, chairs and vice chairs of committees and party group leaders.
Set out below are the payments made to councillors in the 2012/2013 financial year.


BAKER P A=6603 B=0 C=111.15 D=0 E=6714.15
BARNES J A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
BASTIN K* A=0 B=183.5 C=0 D=302.82 E=486.32
BEAN R L A=6603 B=480.65 C=0 D=0 E=7083.65
BIERMANN M A=6603 B=3874.64 C=560.67 D=0 E=11038.31
BOUND M J A=6603 B=0 C=180 D=0 E=6783
BURGESS R J A=6603 B=549.96 C=0 D=0 E=7152.96
CAMPBELL S E* A=0 B=0 C=0 D=1182.92 E=1182.92
CHAPMAN K G A=687.44 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=687.44
CHERRETT K E A=6603 B=6197.83 C=0 D=0 E=12800.83
COURT W A A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
COUSENS J T A=5933.65 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=5933.65
CUBITT O V A=6603 B=69.31 C=0 D=0 E=6672.31
CURSON J A* A=0 B=0 C=0 D=1382.92 E=1382.92
DAY S A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
DONNELL R J C A=6603 B=5227.07 C=0 D=0 E=11830.07
DUNLOP E A=6603 B=0 C=74.25 D=0 E=6677.25
EACHUS H A=6603 B=4880.11 C=0 D=0 E=11483.11
EELE C F* A=0 B=0 C=0 D=1682.92 E=1682.92
EYRE D W D A=5933.65 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=5933.65
FINNEY A J A=6603 B=6199.98 C=0 D=0 E=12802.98
FRANKUM J K A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
FRANKUM P A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
FRYER L A* A=0 B=0 C=0 D=110.01 E=110.01
GARDINER R D A=5933.65 B=480.65 C=442.8 D=0 E=6857.1
GODESEN S H A=6603 B=83.18 C=0 D=0 E=6686.18
GOLDING R D A=6603 B=6199.98 C=0 D=0 E=12802.98
GURDEN B T A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
HARKESS K A=687.44 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=687.44
HARVEY P D A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
HOOD G C A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
HUSSEY R J A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
IZETT J R A=6603 B=4810.8 C=752.95 D=0 E=12166.75
JAMES G A=6603 B=3719.15 C=0 D=0 E=10322.15
JAMES L A=6603 B=6188.89 C=0 D=0 E=12791.89
JAYAWARDENA R M A=6603 B=14669.04 C=514.94 D=0 E=21786.98
JONES A R A=5933.65 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=5933.65
JONES D A=687.44 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=687.44
KEATING J A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
LEEK J A A=6603 B=693.65 C=192.6 D=0 E=7489.25
LEEKS D A=6603 B=1213.49 C=429.3 D=0 E=8245.79
MARKS S T A=6603 B=4879.7 C=18 D=0 E=11500.7
MILLER P E A=6603 B=1031.61 C=0 D=0 E=7634.61
MITCHELL J H A=6603 B=6466.27 C=152.1 D=0 E=13221.37
MOORE P* A=0 B=0 C=0 D=427.03 E=427.03
MORRIS E* A=0 B=300.71 C=0 D=427.03 E=727.74
MUSSON R J A=6603 B=693.65 C=0 D=0 E=7296.65
OSSELTON F C A=6603 B=11009.04 C=628.65 D=0 E=18240.69
PARKER G S A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
PEACH S A A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
PHELPS S L A=687.44 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=687.44
POTTER D A A=5933.65 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=5933.65
PUTTY H A=6603 B=1602.16 C=55.8 D=0 E=8260.96
REGAN C D A=5933.65 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=5933.65
REID S H A=687.44 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=687.44
REID T E A=6603 B=480.65 C=0 D=0 E=7083.65
ROUND G A=6603 B=4810.39 C=0 D=0 E=11413.39
RUFFELL M B A=6603 B=4879.7 C=143.55 D=0 E=11626.25
SANDERS C G A=6603 B=22017.96 C=2376.89 D=0 E=30997.85
SHAW J D A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
SHERLOCK D J N A=6603 B=4810.8 C=0 D=0 E=11413.8
STILL E F A=6603 B=11009.04 C=0 D=0 E=17612.04
TAYLOR D M A=6603 B=5504.04 C=246 D=0 E=12353.04
TAYLOR R D A=6603 B=5504.04 C=26.5 D=0 E=12133.54
TILBURY I K A=6603 B=3303 C=81 D=0 E=9987
TOMBLIN C A=5933.65 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=5933.65
TRAYNOR G A=687.44 B=0 C=10.8 D=0 E=698.24
TUCKER M J A=6603 B=549.96 C=466.65 D=0 E=7619.61
VAUGHAN R A=687.44 B=687.64 C=126 D=0 E=1501.08
WASHBOURNE V L A=5933.65 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=5933.65
WATTS G J A=6603 B=0 C=83.7 D=0 E=6686.7
WATTS K E V A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
WEST S A=6603 B=5504.04 C=123.1 D=0 E=12230.14
WOOLDRIDGE C M A=6603 B=0 C=0 D=0 E=6603
*Not a councillor for the authority but a member of a committee or sub-committee who receives a payment.

Published on 18/07/2013