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Public Notice

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane
Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

The applications listed below are advertised for the reasons given
14/01270/HSE Erection of a detached outbuilding for use as annexe/office/store at Cricket House Wolverton
Reason: Proposal affecting the setting of a Listed Building
14/01135/FUL Conversion of B1 offices to 4 no. one bedroom apartments, including minor internal alterations and the re-roofing of existing slate finish at Aries Office Services, Sterling House 21 Winchester Road Basingstoke
Conversion of B1 offices to 4 no. one bedroom apartments, including minor internal alterations and the re-roofing of existing slate finish at Aries Office Services, Sterling House 21 Winchester Road Basingstoke
Reason: 14/01260/FUL
Proposal affecting a Listed Building
Erection of single storey and first floor front extensions. Installation of new window to south elevation and repositioning of first floor windows to rear. Installation of decking and handrail to rear and replacement roof to rear sun lounge at Ashley House 12 Main Road Tadley
Reason: 14/01145/LBC
Proposal affecting a Conservation Area
Change of use from B1 office to A2 solicitors office with internal alterations at 26 London Street Basingstoke
Display of 1 no. externally illuminated Fascia sign and 1 no. non illuminated projecting sign at 26 London Street Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area and a Listed Building
The applications and plans are available for public inspection at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke during office hours or at Any comments should be in writing, within 21 days of this notice. Any comments received are open to public inspection. MIKE TOWNSEND

Published on 15/05/2014