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Public Notice

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane Town and Country Planning Act

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The applications listed below are advertised for the reasons given
14/03893/ROC Variation of condition 6 of planning consent BDB/38126 (Erection of six Class A1 non-food retail units, two fast food restaurants, fast food drive through facility, associated car parking, service areas and highway improvements) to allow the following wording to be added at the end of condition 6 'and not more than 25 sqm of Unit 1 shall be used for the retail sale of fashion accessories at Brighton Hill Retail Park Winchester Road Basingstoke
14/03776/FUL Erection of building to form car showroom, vehicle servicing and associated storage, delivery and administration facilities. Alterations to car parking and landscaping (Amendments to approved application BDB/76781 to include additional showroom space, enclosed upper storey parking and vehicular access ramp and alterations to parking) at Harwoods Ltd Joule Road Basingstoke
14/03526/FUL Erection of a two storey building for B1/B2/B8 use and associated parking and landscaping at Land At Lutyens Close Lychpit Reason: Proposal constituting Major Development
14/03879/LBC Conversion of barn to form residential annexe accommodation at Barn At Northington House The Lynch Overton
14/03890/LBC Removal of section of internal chimney breast between kitchen and sitting room at Grays House The Street Bramley
Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area and a Listed Building 14/03920/FUL Extension of the permission for temporary change of use approved under BDB/73417 as Class D1 childrens nursery for the period to 2022 at Priory Farmhouse Andwell Hook
Reason: Proposal affecting a Listed Building
14/03881/RET Installation of garage doors to previously approved triple garage under planning permission BDB/72701 at Garden View 1 Rectory Road Oakley 14/03767/FUL Erection of detached garage to include change of use of land from open space to residential. at 7 Mariners Close Tadley
14/03500/RET Creation of vehicular access involving dropped kerb and construction of hard standing for parking. (Part retrospective). at 26 Station Road Overton 14/03695/FUL Change of use of first floor from A2 (betting shop) to 1 no. flat with the addition of a second floor to create a further flat at 1 Winchester Street Basingstoke 14/03901/ADV Display of 1 no. externally illuminated fascia sign and 1 no. externally illuminated projecting sign at Poppins Restaurant 2 Market Place Basingstoke 14/03903/RET Retrospective planning consent for retention of awning to front elevation at Poppins Restaurant 2 Market Place Basingstoke Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area
The applications and plans are available for public inspection at Civic Offices, London
Road, Basingstoke during office hours or at Any comments should
be in writing, within 21 days of this notice. Any comments received are open to public

Published on 22/01/2015