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Public Notice

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990
The applications listed below are advertised for the reasons given
15/00915/HSE Erection of single storey rear extension. at The Old Stables Hackwood Lane Hackwood Park Basingstoke
Reason: 15/00939/HSE
Proposal affects the setting of a Listed Building
Alterations to existing bungalow including raising of roof to create living

space, improvement to site access and demolition of 2no. existing single garages and erection of replacement double garage. at Langdale Woods Lane Cliddesden
Proposal affects the setting of a Conservation Area
Reserved Matters for the erection of 310 residential units comprising 1,

2, 3, 4 and 5 bedroom units (including affordable housing); new access from Winchester Road (A30); a new pedestrian link from Winchester Road; internal access roads; with open space and landscaping. The Outline planning application was an EIA development and an Environmental Statement was submitted in support of the planning application. at Land At Kennel Farm Winchester Road Kempshott Hill Basingstoke
Proposal constituting Major development, affecting a Right of Way

and being a Departure from the Development Plan
Erection of a dwelling house, access, landscaping and associated

infrastructure at Land Adjacent To Blaegrove House Blaegrove Lane Up Nately

Proposal affects a Conservation Area and the Setting of a Listed

Replacement of existing double glazed windows at 45 Burgess Road

Replacement of existing windows and overcladding the building with

insulation and render and rainscreen cladding at Sun Alliance House 37 Wote Street Basingstoke
Erection of a C2 use single storey eight bed care home, 1 no. detached

single storey 4 bed annexe building and associated facilities with new access and car parking at Land Adjacent To Kings Lodge 498 Worting Road Basingstoke
Erection of single storey infill rear/side extension at 15 Battens Avenue

Retention of utility building at Land At Grid Ref 459258 161027 New

Road Tadley
Change of use of first and second floors to three bedroom house of

multiple occupation at 1st & 2nd Floor 1 Queens Parade New Street Basingstoke
Renovation and reglazing of wooden sash windows to front elevation at

2 Cromwell Road Basingstoke
Change of use from offices to 4 no. studio flats at 1st & 2nd Floor 2

Queens Parade New Street Basingstoke
Erection of single storey rear extension at 22 Basingstoke Road

Reason: 15/00946/LBC
Proposal affecting a Conservation Area
Internal alterations to replace existing bathroom with two shower rooms

at Malshanger House Malshanger Lane Malshanger
Reason: 15/00691/FUL
Proposal affecting a Listed Building
Change of use of listed house to offices, change of use and single

storey extension of listed barn to small tool hire facility, Open plant storage, retention of security lighting and associated works. Retention of hard standing as parking areas and access; (Part Retrospective) at Skates Farm House Skates Lane Pamber Green
Change of use of listed house to offices, change of use and single

storey extension of listed barn to small tool hire facility, Open plant storage, retention of security lighting and associated works. Retention of hard standing as parking areas and access; (Part Retrospective) at Skates Farm House Skates Lane Pamber Green
Reason: 15/00856/BPA3
Proposal affecting a Listed Building and Right of Way Construction of parking bays, parking lay-bys, paving and associated
footpath links and landscaping at Land At Renoir Close Basingstoke
Proposal constituting Major Development
Demolition of the Old Farmhouse, adjacent to the A340, and restoration

of site to garden associated with the Long Barn. Creation of a new Farmstead, adjacent to Church Road, Tadley, incorporating the erection of a dwelling and two agricultural buildings with associated hardstanding and alterations to access. Restoration of farmland with biodiversity enhancements and associated landscaping. at Wakeford Farm House Aldermaston Road Pamber End
Proposal constituting Major Development and affecting a Right of Way
The applications and plans are available for public inspection at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke during office hours or at Any comments should be in writing, within 21 days of this notice. Any comments received are open to public inspection. MIKE TOWNSEND

Published on 16/04/2015