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Public Notice

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

The applications listed below are advertised for the reasons given

Construction of a domestic swimming pool at Pingasson Village Road Weston Patrick

Erection of rear conservatory, replacement front door and gated access to rear garden at 2 Fairfields Court Fairfields Road Basingstoke

Erection of garage with first floor living space above following demolition of existing to include link to main house.
at Covington House Weston Road Upton Grey

Erection of 3 no. three bedroom semi-detached dwellings, 1 no. one bedroom apartment and 1 no. two bedroom apartment with associated access driveway and landscaping at Plot 16 Lion Close Overton

Erection of garage with room over following demolition of existing garage/workshop at Lake House Road To Watership Farm Sydmonton Ecchinswell
Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area

Reserved matters application for the scale, layout, appearance, access and landscaping of 148 No. dwellings with associated parking pursuant to outline planning permission BDB/73174
at Land At Phase 6 Merton Rise Trinity Way Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal constituting Major Development

15/02120/ Variation of condition 1 of 13/00839/LBC to allow revised foundation design and tree protection proposals at Berrydown Court London Road Overton
LBC Reason: Proposal affects the setting of a Listed Building

Installation of side access door following removal of existing window
at 10 Cross Street Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal affects a Conservation Area and the Setting of a Listed Building

The applications and plans are available for public inspection at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke during office hours or at Any comments should be in writing, within 21 days of this notice. Any comments received are open to public inspection.


Published on 02/07/2015