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Public Notice



NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (hereinafter called "the Council") has COMPLETED A REVIEW of the BASINGSTOKE OLD TOWN CONSERVATION AREA, now referred to as the BASINGSTOKE TOWN CONSERVATION AREA. In carrying out this review, the Council has exercised the powers granted by Section 69(2) of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990. The original designation of the BASINGSTOKE OLD TOWN CONSERVATION AREA was made in 1977. The review has looked at the character, the appearance and the special architectural and historic interest of the conservation area and concluded that variations to the boundary of the Basingstoke Town Conservation Area are appropriate and timely.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the areas described in the SCHEDULE ONE
to this Notice are of special architectural or historic interest, and that it is desirable to preserve or enhance their character or appearance. The Council has accordingly included these areas in the Basingstoke Town Conservation Area.
The principal effects of the areas being included in the conservation area are as follows:
1) all planning applicationsfordevelopmentthatwouldaffectthecharacterof the area must be advertised and site notices posted so that the maximum opportunity for comments is given to the public before a decision is reached;

2) the prior approval of the Council may be required for the demolition of buildings within the Conservation Area (application for approval must be made separately not as part of an application for planning permission for the development of a site within a Conservation Area);

3) in most cases where any tree in a Conservation Area is cut down, topped, lopped, uprooted, wilfully damaged or wilfully destroyed there is a requirement to submit a 'Notice of Intent' to the Council. In the event that work is carried out without first giving the required notice, an offence may have been committed;

4) if it is intended to demolish any building or part of a building or to carry out any work which may in any way affect a tree within a Conservation Area, the advice of the Local Planning Authority should be sought;

5) certain householder permitted development rights are reduced or removed and;

6) the Council as Local Planning Authority, will exercise particular care to ensure that change, if and when it occurs, does not detract from the character or appearance of the area.

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council
(hereinafter called "the Council") as the Local Planning Authority in pursuance of Powers under section 69 of the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990 (as amended) has COMPLETED A CONSERVATION AREA REVIEW and determined that the areas described in the Schedule Two to this Notice are not of special architectural or historic interest, and that it is desirable to preserve or enhance their character or appearance. The Council has accordingly deleted these areas in the Basingstoke Town Conservation Area.
The principal effects of the areas being deleted from the conservation area are as follows:
1) Six weeks' notice must be given to the Council before works are carried out to any tree that stands in the adjoining conservation area;
(2) At least five working days' notice must be given before works to cut down, lop, top or uproot a dead tree, or to cut down, uproot, top or lop any other tree, within the adjoining conservation area unless the work is urgently necessary to remove an immediate risk of serious harm;
(3) Development adjacent to or close to the conservation area will be expected to pay due regard to the character and appearance of the conservation area.

FURTHER INFORMATION including plans showing the areas included and excluded are available for public inspection on the Councils website ( and during the hours of 10am to 4pm at Basingstoke and Deane Council, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke RG21 4AH.

The list of properties and land to be included in the Basingstoke Town Conservation Area:
(i) 249 square metres of the Timblerlake pedestrian road bridge.

(ii) 5663 sq. metres of Winchester Road including Nos.1,3,5 and 7 Winchester Road (odds), Nos. 8, 15, 17&19, 21 and 23 Winchester Road.
(The precise areas for inclusion are shown on the plan available on the Council's website under Conservation area appraisals, then selecting Basingstoke Town or at the Council's offices during office hours).

The list of properties and land to be deleted in the Basingstoke Town Conservation Area:
(i) 584 sq metres of land at the approaches to Victory Roundabout along Timberlake Road has been excluded from the conservation area to follow the kerb edge on the east side of Timberlake Road.

(ii) 965 sq metres of land at the junction between New Street and Timberlake Road the conservation boundary has been altered to exclude the roundabout.

(iii) 2290 sq metres of Lauriston Court Nos. 32 to 55 (odds and evens) and 56 to 64 (evens) has been excluded.

(The precise areas for deletion are shown on the plan available on the Council's websiteunder Conservation area appraisals, then selecting Basingstoke Town or at the Council's offices during office hours).

Published on 15/10/2015