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Public Notice

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane

 Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning
(Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

The applications listed below are advertised for the reasons given

15/04126/FUL Erection of additional storey to Edison House to form 2 no. flats with associated parking at Edison House 16 -18 Winchester Road Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal affects the setting of a Conservation Area

15/04241/ROC Removal of Condition 6 of 15/00607/FUL restricting opening hours at Marbaix House 1 Wella Road Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal constituting Major Development

15/03592/HSE Replacement of front windows with UPVCand front and rear doors. Repairs to the roof, replacement guttering, repair and replace broken tiling, repair cement render to party wall and install lead flashing. Repair and repoint brickwork to various areas on the property, repair and replacedamaged bricks to front brickwall at 20 Bounty Road Basingstoke

15/04160/FUL Erection of a metal storage shed at Queens Parade 4 New Street Basingstoke

15/04231/HSE Erection of single storey side and rear extension at Wilanda House Preston Candover Basingstoke

15/03791/FUL Creation of external rear smoking area on existing flat roof. Alterations to 2nd floor rear windows and installation of roller shutter. Alterations to rear fire escapes at 25 -27a Winchester Street Basingstoke

Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area

15/04189/FUL Erection of 12 no. dwellings to provide affordable housing (4x1 bed flats and 8x2 bed houses) with associated parking and landscaping following demolition ofexisting lock-up garages at Lock-Up Garage Site At May Street Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal constituting Major Development and affecting the Setting of a Conservation Area

15/04068/FUL Erection of dwelling and reconstruction of cottage with link to dwelling for ancillary accommodation, and erection of a three bay garage at Rexford House Plastow Green Headley Thatcham
Reason: Proposal being a departure from the Development Plan

Erection of single storey rear extensions, single storey front porch, replacement of flat roof with pitched roofand dormer windows. Erection of replacement garage block/store and alterations to driveway and parking at 10Vyne Road Sherborne St John

15/04237/LBC Erection of single storey rear extensions, single storey front porch, replacement of flat roof with pitched roof,dormerwindows and internal alterations. Erection of replacement garage block/store and alterations to driveway and parking at 10Vyne Road Sherborne StJohn

15/04211/LBC Erection of canopy/covered walkway to rear of property following demolition of existing at The Greyhound 46 Winchester Street Overton

Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area and a Listed Building

The applications and plans are available for public inspection at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke during office Anycomments should bein writing, within 21 daysofthis notice. Anycomments received are open to public inspection.

Published on 10/12/2015