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Public Notice

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane

Town and Country Planning Act 1990 Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

The applications listed below are advertised for the reasons given

16/00956/FUL Change of use of land to the rear of Lefevre, from agricultural to equestrian use, construction of manage and erection of
stable building
at Lefevre Reading Road Church End Sherfield-On-Loddon
Reason: Proposal affects the setting of a Listed Building

16/01188/FUL Erection of a new detached dwelling with associated car
parking following demolition of existing garage at Land Adjoining 427A Worting Road Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal affecting the setting of a Conservation Area and being a Departure from the Development Plan

16/01170/FUL Change of use from retail (A1 shops) to two flats (C3 dwelling houses) with minor external alterations
at Ground Floor 10 Winchester Street Basingstoke

16/01216/FUL Demolition of existing dwelling and garage, and erection of pair of semi-detached 2 bedroom dwellings and three no. four bedroom dwellings, and garages. New access and associated amenity areas
at The Road House Weston Road Upton Grey

16/01135/HSE Conversion of existing barn to ancillary accommodation to main dwelling, to include single storey extension to form enclosed swimming pool and plant room
at Queens House Ramsdell Road Monk Sherborne

T/00128/16/TPO Reduce 5 no. trees as per schedule
at 1 Cedar Close Tadley
Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area

16/01186/ADV Display of externally illuminated fascia sign and barber pole sign (Retrospective)
at 23 Church Street Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area and a Listed Building

16/01206/FUL Demolition of existing buildings and structures and replacement with 1 no. detached two-storey dwelling with attached double garage together with pedestrian and vehicular access off existing shared access off Scures Hill with associated landscaping and planting
at Land Adjoining Scures Hill House Scures Hill Nately Scures
Reason: Proposal being a departure from the Development Plan

16/01138/ROC Variation of condition nos. 3, 10, 18 and 19 of 14/03526/FUL to enable the ground works to be commenced prior to detailed proposals being prepared for the permitted building
at Land At Lutyens Close Lychpit
Reason: Proposal constituting Major Development

16/01130/FUL Improvements to existing pond and wetland enhancement
Reason: Proposal constitutes Major Development and affecting the setting of a Listed Building and Right of Way

16/00783/LBC Repairs to roof tiles and timbers, carryout brickwork repairs to external and internal walls
at Freemantle Farm Hannington Road North Oakley
Reason: Proposal affecting a Listed Building

The applications and plans are available for public inspection at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke during office hours or at
Any comments should be in writing, within 21 days of this notice. Any comments received are open to public inspection.


Published on 28/04/2016