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Public Notice

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane Town and Country Planning Act 1990

Borough of Basingstoke and Deane Town and Country Planning Act 1990
Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act 1990

The applications listed below are advertised for the reasons given

16/01536/FUL Retention of hard standing, retaining walls, fencing and access track, and erection of 2 no.
Retention of hard standing, retaining walls, fencing and access track, and erection of 2 no. agricultural buildings and underground storage tank at Land At Tunworth
Reason: Proposal constituting Major Development

Reserved Matters Application for Phase 2 pursuant to outline planning permission BDB/75761 for the erection of 250 no. dwellings, including access within the site, appearance, Landscaping, layout and scale at Land North Of Marnel Park, Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal constituting Major Development and affecting a Right of Way

Reserved matters application pursuant to outline planning permission 15/01757/OUT for the erection of a 5  bed dwelling and associated works, including layout, appearance, landscaping and scale at Wayside Silchester Road Little London
Reason: Proposal being a departure from the Development Plan

Display of 1 no. illuminated fascia sign to side elevation to replace existing (Retrospective) at 35A Winchester Street Basingstoke
Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area

Refurbishment of existing barn adjoining Lime Tree Cottage for residential use as ancillary accommodation at Lime Tree Cottage Vyne Road Bramley Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area and a Listed Building
Reason: Proposal affecting a Conservation Area and a Listed Building

The applications and plans are available for public inspection at Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke during office hours or Any comments should be in writing, within 21 days of this notice. Anycomments received are open topublicinspection.


Published on 09/06/2016