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Public Notice

Goods Vehicle Operator's Licence

Goods Vehicle Operator's Licence
J Sainsburys PLC of Relay Drive, Relay Park, Tamworth, Staffs B77 5PR is applying to remove the following conditions or undertakings which reads: 1. All authorised vehicles to be acquired and all replacements of authorised vehicles shall have chiller units that can be powered by mains electricity and which incorporate as much sound attenuation technology as is reasonably practicable. 2. When the authorised vehicles are parked at the operating centre on the land hatched red on the plan, any chiller units attached to the authorised vehicles (and for the avoidance of doubt, the expression 'authorised vehicles' in these conditions include trailers) shall be powered by mains electricity and the said chiller unit shall not be powered by means of diesel engines. And which applies at the operating centre at J Sainsbury PLC, Houndsmill Road, Basingstoke, RG21 6XW:
Owners or occupiers of land (including buildings) near the operating centre(s) who believe that their use or enjoyment of that land would be effected, should make written representations to the Traffic Commissioner at: Hillcrest House, 386 Hare hills Lane, Leeds, LS9 6NF, stating their reasons, within 21 days of this notice. Representors must at the same time send a copy of their representations to the applicant at the address given at the top of this notice. A Guide to making representations is available from the Traffic Commissioner's office.

Published on 20/03/2014