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Public Notice

Public Notice

Notice is given that Anesco Ltd has submitted a Section 73 Application ref: 15/03634/ROC following planning permission granted ref: 14/02338/FUL by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council on 23/04/15.

The Section 73 application was made on 28 Oct 2015. The application relates to Land At Berry Court Farmhouse Bramley Road Little London Hampshire - Variation of condition 1 of planning consent 14/02338/FUL (Installation of a solar park and associated works to include a temporary roadway and construction compound, security fencing and landscaping works) to allow an alternative site layout. Variation of conditions 3 to 11,15 to 16 and 20, for works to be carried out in accordance with submitted details.

This is an EIA development and information has been made available in relation to an environmental statement contained within an Environmental Statement (ES) and ES Addendum, which may be inspected by members of the public at all reasonable hours. The Application documents can be inspected online at https://planning. using ref 15/03634/ROC and a paper copy is available on request from Anesco Ltd, The Green, Easter Park, Benyon Road, Reading, RG7 2PQ by calling 0845 894 4444.

Any comments must be made within 21 days from the date of this notice to: or write to Planning Development, Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council, Civic Offices, London Road, Basingstoke, RG21 4AH using the reference: 15/03634/ROC.

Published on 10/12/2015