BRAMLEY Parish Council: Meets on January 21, at 7.30pm in the Bramley Room at the village hall.

Members of the public are welcome to attend. There is a 10-minute open forum where the chairman invites the public to ask questions and express their views on local matters.

BRAMLEY Gardening Club: Generally meets on the first Monday each month, but there will instead this month be a social evening on January 21, when a meal out is to be arranged.

If you would like to know more, contact 01256 882163.

MOTHER'S Day: This year, Mother’s Day at The Vyne on March 10, will be a craft fair celebration of cake and crafts to appeal to all mums.

Please make a diary note so that you do not miss the event.

SERVICES at St James’: On Sunday, there will be a service of Holy Communion at 9am and Matins at 10.30am.

A reminder that The Bramley Magazine gives you all information and is available by calling 01256 881504.

Monthly delivery can be arranged for a £4 annual subscription.