SILCHESTER pantomime: Has the first night on January 25. Tickets are on sale from 0118 9815600.

“Hickory Dickory and the Super Bug” will have three other performances on January 26 and February 1 and 2. Tickets from Beryl on 0118 9815600.

VILLAGE Market: The next one is taking place on Saturday, February 2, with all the usual great stalls.

OUR Village Magazine: The new advertising year starts from March 2013. If you are interested, please contact me on the number shown for any information you may require. I need this by the end of January please.

ROMAN dig talk: On Friday, February 8, at 7.30pm, when Professor Michael Fulford will speak on the Roman dig findings. This will be in the village hall.

DATE for your diary: On Shrove Tuesday, February 12, there will be a “Pancake Evening”, starting at 6pm in the Silchester Methodist Church Hall.