EVERGREENS: May says: “Our meeting on January 7 was a quiz followed by a discussion about our programme for 2013. The next meeting will be our annual general meeting on Monday, February 4.

BARN Dance: On Saturday, February 2, there’s a barn dance in the village hall from 8pm to midnight. Dancing to “Pitchfork”, cash bar. Tickets £15, to include supper, from 01256 880075 or tickets@sherfield villagehall.co.uk.

GARDENING: Sherfield and District Gardening Club start their 2013 schedule on Monday, with the return of Ray Broughton, who will talk about the garden year, month by month. Ray was trained at the RHS and is a Fellow of the Institute of Horticulture.

Anyone interested will be most welcome at the village hall, 7.45pm.

NWR: Met last Thursday, and the meeting was called ‘Ten Great Things You Would Like To Do’. Gill says: “We wrote them anonymously, drew them at random and then tried to decide who the item belonged to.

Many of the choices sparked lively conversation which led on to other things and some ideas inspired us to try something new.”