ART Group: Meets Mondays, from 2pm to 4pm, at the RBL hall. New members are most welcome, be they beginners or old hands.

BRIDGE Lunch: A reminder for bridge players to contact Mrs J Cole on 324749 if they wish to take a table in the Parish Room on January 29. ‘Friendly Rubber Bridge’ is the order of the day from 11.15am, and includes a three-course ploughman’s with wine. In aid of the Friends of St Mary’s.

CHILDREN’S Society: Do please return your boxes to Thelma (324065) for counting, and if you are looking for a home for any spare coins, please consider this worthwhile charity, as regular donors seem to be declining.

ST MARY’S: It takes time to keep the grounds in good order – some younger volunteers are needed to help with the mowing rota every two months or so. Sally Bashford on 812104 can tell you what is involved.

NEWS to tell?: Do email me on springfield93@bt if my telephone system is defeating you.