LITTLE Treasures Market: On Sunday, at the village hall from 11am to 3pm, where there will be crafty bits, and all sorts of goodies, both new and pre-loved, as local mums sort out kiddies’ unwanted or outgrown items.

The grand raffle is organised by the Royal British Legion with proceeds going towards car park resurfacing.

Tea room available and special offers from some local sellers.

JUMBLE Sale: February 2, at the village hall from 2pm. Sorters are requested to arrive at 10am and sellers from 1.45pm.

Admission is 25p, and donations can be left in the hall entrance from Monday.

AGE Concern Roadshows: Have their first meeting this year on Monday. Come to the Parish Room at St Mary’s, between 2pm and 4pm, for information, advice, refreshments quizzes and a jolly time. Details from Bev or Tracey on 423874.

PARISH Council: Meets again on February 6, at 7.30pm, in the Parish Office Meeting Room.

FRIENDS of Basing House: Meet on February 12, at 7.30pm, in the Education Centre at The Grange, to hear about The Childhood Home of Jane Austen.