JUMBLE Sale: Don’t forget to go along to East Oakley Village Hall this Saturday, from 2pm, where Oakley Scout Group are holding their jumble sale.

Donated items can be dropped off at the hall on the morning of the sale from 10am, or at the collection points listed in the January Link.

MOBILE Library: The next visit of the library is to Kennet Way on Monday, from 10.45am to 1pm.

OAKLEY Ladies: Why not go along and join this friendly group? They meet on alternate Tuesday evenings during term time.

The next meeting is on January 29. The first meeting is free, and if you join, there is a £5 yearly charge plus a small meeting fee.

For more information, call Linda on 780918 or Marlene on 780032.

OAKLEY Pedalers: Cycling is a healthy pastime for all to enjoy, whatever your age or ability.

The Pedalers meet either in the school lay-by or by the village pond, depending on the group. Please email info@oakley-pedalers.co.uk or call Ken on 780957 to find out more.