BARN Dance: This Saturday, there’s dancing to Pitchfork in the village hall.

There may still be some tickets, £15 to include fish and chips supper.

Call 880075, or email

EVERGREENS: The Evergreens hold their February meeting on Monday afternoon at the village hall, and it will be their AGM.

HARLEM Swing Band: Sponsored by Hog The Limelight (Hampshire Arts), 52 Skiddo (a three-piece Harlem swing band) will be at Sherfield Village Hall on Saturday, March 9. Visit the era of prohibition, speakeasys, Vaudeville and hot jazz – sit and listen or dance to classics like Sweet Georgia Brown. Dress smart casual or 1920s American (optional).

Doors open at 7pm, light supper at 7.15pm, cash bar.

Tickets cost £12.50, from 880075 or tickets@sherfield

NWR: Recently held their planning meeting. Their February meeting will be called ‘Where do we come from?’, when members will research their family history.

Other events planned include a ramble, a safari supper, an Irish evening and a book evening when the book Hunting Midnight by Richard Zimler will be discussed.