CHURCH service: On Sunday, November 19, there will be a Toy Service at St Stephen's Church, Baughurst, at 11am, when you are invited to take along new or unwanted toys.

These will then be distributed across a wide area, by Homestart Clere, to children who would otherwise have very little at Christmas time.

If you cannot get to the service, let Winnie, at Newbies Cottage, Brimpton Road, have your gifts.

QUIZ supper: The next one is to be held at Wolverton Village Hall on Friday, November 17, at 7pm for 7.30pm.

To book and order your supper, call Bob on 01635 299050 or Frances on 01635 297125.

THE Tuesday Club: Meets at Heath End Hall on November 21, between 2pm and 4pm, for its monthly get-together.

If you would like to meet new or old friends, go along for a chat over tea and home-made cakes.

If you require transport, call Margaret Bushell on 0118 9812787.