COUNCILLORS’ surgery: The next monthly South Ham/Berg Estate councillors’ surgery is today, from 7.30pm to 8.30pm at Westside Community Centre, in Paddock Road. If you require advice or assistance on anti-social behaviour problems, housing, benefits, call in. No appointment is required.

STOP Smoking Clinics: NHS Quit4life stop smoking service operates sessions from Westside Community Centre on Mondays, 9am-10.30am and 5.30pm-7.30pm.

SOUTH Ham Direct: South Ham Direct is an organisation established for, and run by, South Ham and Berg Estate residents.

It meets on a monthly basis to discuss issues concerning residents, solutions, and organising community events.

MEMBERS wanted: The Labour Club, in the heart of South Ham, in Sandys Road, is open to new members. The club provides entertainment such as discos, darts, pool competitions, and bingo nights. Just call in at the club for an application form.