LIBRARY events: On Saturday, December 2, there is a Christmas craft fair, which includes greeting cards, Victorian notice boards and more.

A Christmas colouring competition starts on December 1, with a closing date of December 16.

There are two age groups - up to five years and six to 11 years.

There is a special Christmas storytime on Tuesday, December 19, from 4.30pm to 5pm.

For further details on the above, contact Deb Mills, the library supervisor, at

IRRESPONSIBLE dog owners: Are allowing their dogs to mess on pavements and people's property.

This is disgusting and has got to stop. People are getting sick of cleaning up after them.

KINGFISHER Housing Tenant Federation: Is looking for more tenant involvement.

It is increasing in numbers and is always looking for more. It values your opinions, ideas, input and views.

If you would like more information, call me on the number above.

NEIGHBOURHOOD Watch: If you are interested, call me.