CHRISTMAS dance: Tickets are now completely sold out and there will be no sales on the door.

ADVENT fair: This was a great success with all the stalls buzzing, and we hope that the school will have made a good profit on the day.

CALENDARS: As I write, I have 11 calendars left from the 400 we ordered.

Call me urgently on 0118 9700546 if you would like one.

TWO Christmas quizzes: Silchester Association holds its quiz on December 16, in the hall.

Tickets cost £6, and are available from quizmaster Tony.

Reserve yours now by calling 0118 9700282.

Also, a written quiz for the church development fund is being organised by Valerie and promises to be quite difficult.

Sheets are on sale at £1 each from 0118 9700349.

CHRISTINGLE service: At Silchester school on Sunday, December 3, at 10am.

Come along to hear the Christingle story, make your own Christingle orange and support the children's home with the collection.

This is also Advent Sunday, and there will be an 8am morning prayer in the church.

PHOENIX Club: The next meeting is on Wednesday, December 6, at 2.15pm.

Members will be entertained by Silchester school choir and then have a Christmas tea and raffle.

COFFEE morning: In the Methodist church hall on Saturday, December 2, in aid of the National Children's Home, from 10am to noon.

There is also a bring-and-buy stall.