OAKRIDGE Hall for All: Coming up at the hall in December are the following events.

Line dancing is every Thursday, from 2pm to 3pm. The cost is £3 per session and there is no need to book.

The At Your Leisure Evergreen exercise class, in partnership with Age Concern, is every Monday, from 2pm to 3pm, costing £2.

As part of the coffee morning on Friday, December 8, there will be an over-55s discussion group at 11am.

There is a Christmas party on Friday, December 15, from 2pm to 4pm, which includes dancing, a raffle, refreshments and fun. Tickets cost £4 and you need to book in advance.

For information about activities at the hall, call 475844.

HELPING Hands: The support group for parents/carers of children with autistic spectrum disorders meets at Maple Ridge School, on the first Monday of each month, during term-time, from 1.15pm to 2.45pm, where people can chat over coffee, get advice and support or just general information.

To find out more, contact Paula, the Helping Hands co-ordinator, on 01256 354259.

CONTACT me: On 475380 or e-mail blairman@ntlworld.com and let me know what is happening in Oakridge and South View.