OAKRIDGE Hall for All: The children's Christmas party will be held on Friday, December 22, from 2pm to 4pm.

Father Christmas and a children's entertainer will be there, and there will also be a fancy dress competition.

The cost is £3 for children aged four to eight.

Limited places are available, so book in advance.

On December 15, there will be a Christmas party for the not so young, from 2pm to 4pm.

There will be dancing, refreshments and a raffle.

Please book in advance.

SURGERY: Your ward councillors, Paul Harvey, Laura James and George Hood, hold surgeries at the Oakridge Hall for Hall on the first Friday of each month, from 10am to noon.

Do come and talk to them. There are also representatives present from the police and Sentinel Housing.

BE CAREFUL: During the dark winter evenings, do be careful about crossing roads. People are not easy to see when you are driving.

It has been noticed that traffic is speeding along Burgess Road - it is becoming quite a rat run between Vyne Road and Kingsclere Road.

Burgess Road should be a quiet residential road, not a speed trap.

CONTACT me: On the number above or e-mail blairman@ntlworld.com