FESTIVE shopping: At the Royal British Legion Hall, in Crown Lane, on Saturday, when the Women’s Section invite you to their Christmas Fair from 2pm onwards.

TREE planting: On the common this weekend to improve our local environment.

Details are posted at all the gates. Volunteers welcome.

CONGRATULATIONS: Chris and Kay, of Glayshers Butchers, in Bellevue Road, have gained a Gold Award for their chicken and ham pies in the Three Counties Championships, to add to all their past plaudits.

It’s also time to send in your Christmas orders, so why not pick up a pie when you are making your choices?

BINS at last. Many thanks to county councillor Elaine Still, who has arranged for waste bins to be sited at two of the common entrances.

Please will all doggy owners now make that extra effort to bin their baggies and stop despoiling Basing Common!

PANTO profits: From Sleeping Beauty and the Pirates are still rising and, at the last count, were in excess of £4,000. A big thank-you to all from the Friends of St Mary’s Church.

ST MARY’S Church: Only 10 days until this popular bazaar, which is being held in the village hall from 2pm on Saturday, December 5.

FULL details of Christmas services will be printed in the December Basinga but do note that the Community Carol Service will be held on December 20, at 4pm, and there will be two Christmas Eve Crib Services at 3pm and 4.30pm.