STABBING incident: Last Monday, November 30, there was a stabbing incident in Aldworth Crescent between 7pm and 8pm. If you saw or heard anything, please let the police know.

VANDALISM and theft: From gardens in Elizabeth Road and homes in South Ham.

These have been on the increase in recent weeks, so please be vigilant.

ENTERTAINMENT: The Labour club is inviting residents of South Ham to pop along for an evening with a view to joining the club and enjoy entertainment for all the family.

Those of you who are members, the club would like to see you all again, so why not visit this Christmas with your family? All welcome.

Call 01256 472945 for details.

HEALTH walk in South Ham. If you have not been very active in the past but would like to do a little more exercise and get a bit fitter for the summer, come and join our small friendly group for a gentle stroll of about half-an-hour followed by a cup of tea or coffee and a chat.

There is no charge to come along to the walk.

Meet at South Ham Library at 11am every Tuesday. Confirm these details first by calling Jane on 01256 845574 in case of any changes since the last walk.