Hampshire Harmony’s Diamond Jubilee Concert kicked off at 3pm on Sunday, July 14 at The Haymarket and what a success it was! They delivered a winning combination of songs from across the years to an audience of almost 200.

In attendance were a number of ladies who had contributed hugely to the choir over the years. Margaret Brackenborough, who was MD of the choir for 15 years came along, as did the daughter of the founder Ken Williams, who was the very first MD in 1964. Also present was a founder member. Against a backdrop of a sequence of photos from 1964 to the present day, five ladies, three past members and two current members, who have sung with the choir for over 50 years, spoke glowingly of their experiences with the choir and told us some extremely funny anecdotes, in particular of choir tours abroad. The choir was previously known as Oakridge Singers and then Basingstoke Ladies Choir, only changing its name in 2022 to reflect the wider membership.

The concert opened with sacred songs, some moving some joyful and with a range of compositions from the sixteenth century through to the twenty-first. Then there was The Seal Lullaby by renowned composer Eric Whitacre, moving on to other pieces including Tom Shelton’s adaptation of an Appalachian Folk Song, Shady Grove. The first half concluded with a stirring rendition of a Medley from Les Misèrables. The second half brought some very famous tunes from the film industry, including Bond tunes Skyfall and Diamonds Are Forever, which were sung with clear diction and interpretation.

The event finished with a Disney Medley the final part being Supercalifragelistic where past members joined the current choir on stage. It was an altogether happy and warm occasion led admirably by the current excellent and experienced singing teacher, music director Clare Oliver, who also conducts Andover Ladies’ Choir and is the MD of Farleigh School Chapel. Jonathan Hedgecock accompanied well on the piano throughout.

So if you attended on Sunday afternoon 14th July at least you experienced one win on the day. (Incidentally, if you missed out on buying a programme with the historic photos in, please contact us via the website.)

The next event is the Christmas Concert on November 30, followed by a performance at The Tower of London on 7th December. Look out on the website for details of Open Evening of 9th September if you would like to sing with this fun-loving, friendly and talented group.

For more information, go to hampshireharmony.org.