Sir.–I would like to say that I heartily agree with Ian Bailey’s letter published in The Gazette.

I too have noticed far too many drivers ignoring the red lights at road junctions.

When I took my driving test, the examiner told me that the amber traffic light meant Stop.

It seems that if a driver sees another breaking the law then some think it is fair game to do the same such as using mobile phones when driving, not using dipped headlights when requested, and going 10mph faster than the speed limits.

As to motorists ignoring no right turn signs, I also see plenty of this especially at the Oakridge Road and Sherborne Road junction – even though I can’t see why this turn is not permitted.

I’m afraid they do it for the same old reason that motorists know that they can get away with most things – there is no deterrent due to the lack of police.

–Mr D Buckland, Scotney Road, Oakridge, Basingstoke.