DISRUPTION on a main road is “inevitable” as work begins on a scheme to try to improve safety.

Work on the project, which should make it easier to cross the A33 in Sherfield-on-Loddon, is set to start on January 7.

The £44,000 scheme, which comprises the construction of a large central refuge island on the A33, near the junction with Wildmoor Lane, is set to take four weeks.

The short deceleration lane will be removed and vegetation in and around the junction will be cut back.

The signing along the road will also be rationalised as part of this scheme in order to improve visibility for pedestrians, cyclists and motorists.

Road markings at the junction and at school exit will be repainted and new road markings will be laid on the A33 on the approaches to the crossing.

Councillor Mel Kendal, deputy leader and executive member for environment and transport at Hampshire County Council, said: “The improvements should make it easier for people to get across the A33 as well as encouraging traffic to travel at an appropriate speed when passing through Sherfield-on-Loddon.

“There will be some inevitable disruption while the work is being undertaken but we will ensure that every effort is made to keep this to a minimum.”