SEX shops, lap dancing joints, and strip clubs are set to be banned from Basingstoke town centre.

Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council licensing councillors will tomorrow be asked to approve the council's Sex Establishment Policy which sets a “nil limit” for sex clubs in the town centre, as well as Basing View.

The document also includes strict rules for any potential new club outside this area.

A report by the council's licensing manager Linda Cannon for the borough's Licensing Committee states the recommended conditions are also stringent enough to block sex establishments outside the town centre.

The report says: “The licensing authority is unaware of any localities within this borough where it would be appropriate for a licensed sex establishment to be situated.”

In the policy, an application for a sex establishment would be turned down if it was near a school, place of worship, homes, public buildings, anywhere were “children would be put at risk”, or a borough conservation area.

The ten councillors on the committee have been asked to approve the policy before it is adopted by the 60-strong full council in March.