A SCHOOL in Basingstoke has added to its credentials by achieving a prized healthy accolade.

Fort Hill Community School, in Winklebury, has been awarded Healthy School status for its work on physical activity and emotional health - including drugs and anti-bullying.

The National Healthy Schools Programme (NHSP) is a key contributor in helping to raise pupil achievement and promote social inclusion.

It provides a framework within which local healthy school programmes can tackle inequalities and aim to improve the health and emotional wellbeing of young people.

The inspectors who visited Fort Hill were particularly impressed with the professional development of staff at the school and the involvement of parents, external agents and students.

Deputy head Toby Sim, who led a project team on the award, said: "Many of the standards set by the Government to gain the award are already in place at the school.

"We have worked hard to integrate them with additional requirements and are delighted that our good work has been recognised."

Mr Sim added that the school was now aiming to achieve recognition for its healthy foods.

"We have a very popular cafeteria and foresee little problem in getting this recognised too," he said.

For more information on NHSP, visit www.wiredforhealth.gov.uk