A CHINEHAM councillor has branded the Black Lives Matter protester who led the ex-police officer to safety as a "great example of all lives matter".

In a now iconic photo, Bryn Male was pictured being rescued from the mob by hero BLM protester Patrick Hutchinson, who lifted him up on his shoulders and took him down a flight of stairs to where police had lined up.

Bryn was among several hundred men who met with friends in Parliament Square in Westminster to help protect the sculpture after being 'incensed' by the graffiti attack at protests the previous weekend.

Councillor Paul Miller said that Patrick Hutchinson is "admirable" for carrying Chineham man Bryn Male out of harm's way after being beaten up in violent scenes outside London Waterloo's station on Saturday.

The cllr told the Gazette: "The incident of Patrick rescuing Bryn is a great example of all lives matter.

"Violence is never the answer. What Patrick did to take Bryn to safety was admirable.

"I fully support all lives matter and Patrick's actions are a classic example of that."

He defended the former police officer's actions as one of "trying to protect the institutions in the UK".

And he said there should be more of a focus on Patrick's "selfless act" of moving Bryn out of a violent situation.