BASINGSTOKE households will be contacted by Basingstoke and Deane Borough Council (BDBC) to ensure residents names are correct on the electoral register as part of the annual electoral registration canvass.

This is a legal requirement every year that the council has to carry out.

Changes introduced this year men that responding to the canvass is easier, with over 60 per cent of the borough's households are not required to respond.

The borough council’s electoral registration officer, Melbourne Barrett, said: “This year we have a whole new way of carrying out the annual canvass.

"The process is designed to make it even easier for residents to confirm their name on the electoral register.

"We will contact everyone either by email or by post but not everyone will be required to respond.

"In fact around 60 per cent of the borough’s residents will informed they do not need to respond unless they believe the information needs updating.

"The remainder can do this easily online or by returning the form.”

Residents who are required to respond will be clearly told so and can do so online or via the form sent to them.

Being on the register is also important because credit agencies check the names and addresses of people applying for credit and it is also used to detect and prevent crime.

The revised register of electors will be published in December 2020.

For more information call 01256 844844 or visit