A YEAR 10 pupil at Aldworth School in Basingstoke is cutting off 33cm of her hair for charity - and her tutor will be the one making the chop.

Bex Dilley, 14, has been growing out her hair for two years so that she can donate it to the Little Princess Trust, a charity which makes wigs for children who lose their hair due to cancer.

She asked her tutor and PE teacher, Mr Butcher, to be the one to cut her hair on Wednesday, October 7.

“About two years ago I started thinking about cutting my hair shorter and as it was quite long I wondered if I could donate it,” said Bex.

“I did some research and came across the Little Princess Trust. I then decided they would be the best to donate my hair to, as they do such a amazing job at making wigs and giving them to children and young adults who have lost their hair due to cancer or other illnesses.

“I’m not really to sure why I thought to ask my tutor to cut my hair, but now thinking about it I must be crazy.”

Basingstoke Gazette:

Bex has been growing her hair for two years to donate

Mr Butcher said he was “grateful” to have been asked to cut Bex’s hair.

“To have one of my tutees contribute to such a special charity is quite a proud moment for me as their tutor,” he said.

“[The tutor group] consists of so many individuals who are willing to go the extra mile to help people and Bex is another wonderful example of that.”

Speaking about the task ahead, Mr Butcher said: “To be honest, I’m not very confident at all

“ I have not done anything like this before. The closest I have got to cutting hair was shaving all of mine off during the national lockdown. I can't promise expertise but I can promise commitment and focus to the job.

“I just hope her ears will still be intact. I will have the gorilla tape and possibly a glue stick ready if I need to stick them back on!”

On a more serious note, Mr Butcher says he is very impressed by the work Aldworth’s pupils regularly put into charity initiatives

“Bex's work rate and determination to make this happen is inspiring and these are two qualities that are required to succeed in school and life beyond school,” he said.

Bex’s Big Hair Cut will take place after school, around 3:30pm, on Wednesday.

The fundraising page has already exceeded its £500 target, and Bex hopes she can send as much money as possible, along with her hair, to help support the cause.

“I am absolutely amazed by the amount of money I've raised so far, it is phenomenal,” said Bex.

“As my haircut is drawing closer, I'm getting very nervous and scared that it might all go wrong.”

“I can’t imagine myself with short hair as it’s going to be such a big difference but I'm sure in the end it will all be fine - I just have to keep my fingers crossed!”

For more information and to donate to the fundraiser, visit justgiving.com/fundraising/bex-dilley or search 'Bex's Big Hair Cut'.