SWIMMING pool users are calling on the government to reconsider the decision to shut leisure facilities as part of the upcoming England-wide lockdown coming into force on Thursday.

Signs have been put up at Tadley roundabout, which read ‘End the illegal and lethal lockdown. Open the pool.’

Mark Payne, 32, from Tadley is “furious” about the government’s decision to close leisure facilities.

“I am a daily pool user. I use the facilities every single day and I have done for probably eight years. Myself and many many other members of staff are just furious about the closure,” he said.

“I do not think there should be any lockdown measures whatsoever.

“I’m furious that these inhumane and proven deadly measures are being reintroduced and furious that what is for some people the only escape from this Covid madness is being taken away again.”

“How can anyone justify closing something so integral to peoples livelihoods, physical and mental health.”

Mark does not believe that the statistics being used by the government’s scientific advisory group (SAGE) are up-to-date or indicate the need for a full lockdown, citing the common flu as deadlier for those under the age of 70 than the coronavirus.

“There are zero covid cases associated to Tadley Pool or gym. There’s not a shred of credible evidence to support a lockdown or the closure of gyms and pools,” he said.

“The infections in all regions are declining, just as the infections were in decline from March 18 before the first lockdown.

“Lockdowns kill far more people than covid ever could or would, from cancelled appointments, screenings, A&E, huge damage to mental health, and increase in suicides.

“This lockdown was imposed on three-week-old, junk predictions and models that were already 5 times incorrect by yesterday (Monday).

“All these lockdowns do is prolong the agony, while causing far more deaths and insane economic damage.”

Mark says that, above all else, people need an opportunity to get out and exercise.

“The number one thing everyone needs right now are stronger immune systems, and the number one way to improve your immune system is with exercise,” he said.

Mark says that, unfortunately, there is very little pool users in Tadley can do in the way of protest, but still urges everyone to make opposition heard.

“If people support the facts and value their freedoms, about the only thing they can do is contact their MP’s and make very clear that if they vote in favour of Johnson's destruction of the economy, people's livelihoods and the inevitable deaths these lockdowns cause, they will not keep their seat in future elections,” he said.

Basingstoke Bluefins swimming club is also urging the government to change its mind.

On its Facebook page, it shared an open letter to the prime minister, asking him to keep pools open.

The post read: “Come on Bluefins! We all need to sign this and see if we can keep the pools open.”

The letter, sent by Swim England Chief executive Jane Nickerson, stresses the vital role aquatic activity plays in the health and wellbeing of the nation.

It says: “We are writing to request you reconsider the decision to force leisure centres to close during the second national lockdown due to begin this Thursday.

“Swimming pools are well managed, chlorinated, controlled environments where the risk of transmission can be successfully mitigated.

“This will be more important than ever as people try and cope with a second lockdown – at a time of year when it will be more difficult than before to be active outside.

“Losing this opportunity would be devastating for so many.”