SPORTS facilities in Overton are facing the chop after it was revealed that a village recreation centre is short of cash.

The Overton Recreation Centre (ORC), which is used by a variety of sports and social clubs and local people, is out of pocket after having to shell out £20,000 in the summer for a new roof at the pavilion in Bridge Street, after problems with leaks.

The centre needs £10,000 by January to cover running costs and has introduced a five-star membership scheme this month in a bid to raise the much-needed cash.

Initial take-up of the scheme has been positive, with 60 people joining. However, it still needs another £10,000 by April to remain open.

Colin Parker, general manager at the ORC, said: "The future of the centre and of sporting facilities in Overton depends on the success of the five-star scheme.

"At the moment, we think we should be alright until April because of the scheme's take-up so far, but we're going to need a lot more people to join.

"If something unexpected that required funding happened, then the centre's future would be in jeopardy.

"It's a question of people in Overton asking themselves how much they want the facilities."

The ORC was officially opened in 1966 and provides open spaces for club members and other associated groups at Bridge Street, Berrydown, Town Meadow and Batts Meadow, Laverstoke.

It is used by all age groups for football, cricket, tennis, golf and athletics, and clubs for exercise, pilates, art, photography, drama, Scout and Guide groups. It also has a close association with Overton Rugby Club.

The club needs 900 five-star members to subsidise the running costs and has had to use its reserves in the past in an attempt to stave off closure.

The centre currently has more than 2,000 members.

Councillor Ian Tilbury, ward councillor for Overton, Laverstoke and Steventon, said: "This has been a problem for some time. When it started in 1966, the village put a huge amount of effort into providing the facilities and it would be a shame for them to go.

"But it's not easy and I can't see a simple solution."

He added: "It would be nice if the borough could help with the money because they don't provide much of a sports subsidy, but we will have to see."