A CONSTRUCTION specialist has started work to expand Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospitals' cardiology services with the construction of two new cardiac catheterisation labs.

The Gazette previously reported that the two new cath labs, which can look into arteries and chambers in the heart and treat abnormalities will be fully operational by the end of next year.

Modular construction specialist Darwin Group has now started work on-site to build the two new labs designed for Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT).

It comes after a report last year said Basingstoke hospital may not be able to provide a service for patients with heart conditions, because its cath labs were at 'risk of failure'.

The new 1972m2 building will house two-hybrid cath labs with ancillary accommodation and a total of ten recovery beds.

Charles Pierce, managing director of Darwin Group, said: “We are proud to be working with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust on this healthcare project to provide a new facility for patients across Hampshire. The new cath labs will provide much-needed additional capacity and patient accommodation which will support the NHS in delivering day-to-day tasks more efficiently.

“Our designers have done a fantastic job to create an eye-catching exterior with a high quality modern clinical patient and staff environment to meet current and future demands. We have worked hard with the trust team to arrive at the agreed design solution and look forward to managing the construction and commissioning phases to fully meet the trust expectations.”

A cath lab is an examination room or clinic with diagnostic imaging equipment used to look at the arteries of the heart and the chambers of the heart, and to treat any stenosis or abnormalities found.

The project will include a link corridor that connects the new building to the hospital’s existing cardiology department.

The new labs have been designed to give Hampshire Hospitals the capability to see more patients per day and to administer tests at a faster rate in the state-of-the-art facility.

Lara Alloway, chief medical officer at HHFT, said the project is an “exciting development” that will “support staff” to provide care to those who need it.

She added: “This is a very exciting development for the trust. Having two new cardiac catheterisation labs will support our staff to keep providing outstanding care to those who need us.”

“As the population grows, our technology develops and the demand for our services continues to increase, we need to develop further in order to keep providing efficient and sustainable health services. This expansion of our cardiology services will allow us to meet current and future demand, so it will certainly make a difference to everyone. A huge thank you to all involved in making this project a reality.”

The team has also incorporated a barrel vault-style roof into the plans to ensure the new building is in keeping with the rest of the hospital’s design.

With 30 years of experience using modular techniques, the Darwin Group team is highly experienced in delivering high-quality healthcare buildings.

The new building is set for completion by September 2022.

To find out more about Darwin Group and their ongoing projects, visit: www.darwingroupltd.co.uk.