THE Covid-19 vaccination hub at Basingstoke hospital is in full swing as it vaccinates hundreds of residents a day.

The site at Basingstoke and North Hampshire Hospital opened last week on Friday, December 17 to help the vaccination program.

The hub sees staff from Hampshire Hospitals Foundation Trust (HHFT) vaccination hundreds of people who walk through the door every day.

On Monday, December 20 the team delivered 746 boosters to the community.

Natalie Clarke from Beggarwood was just one of the patients to come into the hub yesterday (December 20).

The new hub allowed her to get a booster before Christmas with her previous appointment booked for the New Year.

“Originally I wasn’t due to have my booster until next year just because of availability so this is a fantastic opportunity to be able to get vaccinated before Christmas," she told The Gazette.

She said the process was really easy to follow.

She added: “It was just a really easy process to follow, and it is close to home as opposed to having to travel greater miles to get to our original site so this is ideal.

“On the website, it was quite tricky to access the site and there just wasn’t much available in Basingstoke, so this has just been superb.

“I am so pleased I have protection now for me, for my friends and family and just everybody else.”

Louise Fox, associate director of nursing, said the hub is doing "really well".

She added: “We had to set up the hub really short notice, so we were asked to do it last Tuesday and we went live on Friday.

“All of the staff managing the pods are staff working here and they have all been keen to get onboard and get helping. Everyone is working in their spare time and putting in extra hours and this is a national effort.”

Louise said that staff now have a better understanding of the process.

She added: “What has surprised me is how patients have been really responsible in trying to get appointments.

“The fact that people are still coming in with the lead up to Christmas when they have lots of other stuff going on is an absolute testament to the fact we all just really want to fight and get over this.”

She said it provides a bit of positivity amongst all the negative aspects of Covid that continue to effect the community over the Christmas period.

She encouraged residents who come into the hospital for a vaccination to cancel any other appointments they have elsewhere to give others the opportunity to book them.

To get a vaccination slot at Basingstoke hospital, book your appointment through the national booking system or by calling 119.