A BASINGSTOKE mother pleaded with her killer to spare her for the sake of her son as he stabbed her to death with her toddler in a nearby room, a court has heard.

Geoffrey and Michelle Hibbert were allegedly “inexplicably and savagely murdered” by their “friend” Stanley Elliott on June 20, 2021, at their home on Buckland Avenue, after he agreed to babysit their three-year-old the previous evening.

As previously reported, police found their bodies in the South Ham bungalow on Father’s Day, as well as their orphaned son left alone in the home.

Mr Hibbert, 61, had 58 separate injuries, to the head, neck, trunk and limbs. Mrs Hibbert, 29, died of blood loss, from multiple stab wounds including seven to the neck.

READ MORE: Couple stabbed multiple times in ‘savage’ murder by 'someone they trusted'

Today (Tuesday) jurors at Winchester Crown Court have heard a 999 call made from Elliott’s phone by Mrs Hibbert. It recorded the final moments of the 29-year-old’s life.

She can be heard telling the call-handler that she has been stabbed, and that the perpetrator remains in the house, and is attacking her husband. She says they “need to come straight away”.

Mrs Hibbert is heard to scream, and then to say: “No, no, no, please I have got to look after [my son]. Please."

After a period of silence, the call-handler can then be heard to ask Mrs Hibbert if she can hear him.

“She has gone completely silent, we are not getting anything from her at all,” the call-handler said.

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Opening the prosecution case yesterday, prosecutor Sarah Jones QC said: "In her dying moments, Michelle Hibbert's final thoughts were for her son in a nearby room, and pleading with her attacker to spare her.

"The operator asked her who had done this. Possibly it was this that brought her attacker back to her to stop her. But before that, she had relayed with perfect clarity and with no room for ambiguity.

“She said: Stan Elliott."

Elliott, 53, and of Kiln Road, Sherborne St John, denies two counts of murder.

The trial continues.

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