THIEVES have stolen artificial grass worth hundreds of pounds from a school for children with severe learning difficulties

Children at Limington House School in Basingstoke were shocked to find out that thieves had stolen part of their play area during the school holidays.

Staff and students arrived on Monday to discover that an area in the middle of the field had been cut out and removed by thieves. As a result, children were unable to use the play area.

Basingstoke Gazette: Thieves steal artificial grass worth thousands of pounds from Basingstoke special needs school

Headteacher, Justin Innes said: “We believe that the artificial grass was stolen overnight on Friday, June 3. The repair costs are over £2,800 and the loss is not covered by insurance as the loss/damage is not within a building."

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Grass company NoMow has since repaired the area on Thursday, June 9.

Innes said: "NoMow grass company has been very supportive and were very saddened to hear about the artificial grass being cut and stolen and the school is very grateful for their support.”

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Limington House is a special school for children aged 4-19 with severe or profound and multiple learning difficulties.

Roy Cleaver, the chair of governors said: “The play area is very important for our children, who, because of their disability, need this space to expand their sensory needs.

"The loss of it is devastating for their mental and physical wellbeing. Place and routine are very important for them and any change can immediately set back their development”

Friends of Limington House is a charity that organises fundraising activities to help provide specialist equipment for the school, and arranges events that benefit the pupils and their families.

Representative of Friends of Limington House, Jane Oliver said: “The Friends of Limington House would like to support the school and, in particular, the primary aged students who have been affected by this theft. FOLH is a charity and we have set up a GoFundMe page to raise funds for replacement and repair to the artificial grass playing field.

"Unfortunately, the cost is not covered by insurance and the school’s limited budget is squeezed so tightly that it cannot cover this cost without impacting educational needs. We are asking our local community, whether individuals or companies, to donate on our GoFundMe page, so we can reimburse the school for this unexpected cost.

"We are finding it is increasingly challenging to raise funds for our school and our students, due to the cost of living increases that we are all experiencing, and so all donations of any size will be greatly appreciated.”

To donate go to or contact Mr Innes on 01256 322148 for more. 

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