Dear Editor,

So, the AA headquarters could become a university? Really, why? Aren't there enough universities, encouraging, school leavers to waste time and a lot of money, to obtain a certificate, which will do little to improve their employment prospects. I am surprised a Tory councillor thinks this is a good idea.

Tony Blair introduced the idea that 50 per cent of school leavers should go to university. This completed the Labour policy of lowering education standards, so 'all get prizes', it also lowered the unemployment statistics. Incidentally, Blair and his fellow ministers benefitted from free university education. This could be the case again, if only those went to university who were academically suited, but selection is now a dirty word in our inclusive country.

READ MORE: AA headquarters to be put on the market as it is no longer fit for purpose

Ironically Blair's son, Euan recognised, that the majority of school leavers would not benefit from university. He set up a very successful company encouraging companies to offer apprenticeships and training, and finding candidates to fill these positions. This is the way forward, but these new universities are now a flourishing industry, with Vice Chancellors on large six figure salaries, so they are not going to give that up.

David White

Coates Close
