A RESIDENTIAL school for children with autism has continued to be graded as ‘good’ by the education watchdog, with inspectors saying it ‘has many strengths’.

Ofsted inspectors visited Tadley Court, in Tadley Common Road, in November last year and in January a report into the visit was published.

The school, run by Aspris Children’s Services Limited, was rated ‘good’ in all inspection areas.

In the report, inspectors said: “Pupils are proud of their school. They feel that their voice is heard because staff listen and are ‘very patient’ with them.

“Staff, including the therapy team, are similarly proud of the school. They form strong bonds with pupils. Staff work together well as a multi-disciplinary team both in and out of classrooms. This impacts positively on pupils and ensures that their social and emotional development is given a high priority.”

It was noted that pupils feel safe in school and feel that it is “a friendly place”.

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“Leaders, including those in positions of governance, understand what is working well and what could be better. They recognise that the school is evolving,” the report continued.

Previously pupils joined the school during key stages 3 and 4, but it now has welcomed youngsters of primary age, with leaders acknowledging “that the school’s wider curriculum now needs to be developed further”.

Inspectors said that additional leadership positions have been created recently which has given “the senior management team extra capacity to build on the good quality of provision”.

They added: “Staff understand the needs of pupils well. They are successful at designing learning tailored to each individual.”

The school provides two curriculum pathways, one is more academic, but both “develop pupils’ personal development”.

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“Pupils on each of the curriculum pathways access learning at their own level. Staff try hard to plan lessons that are meaningful and relevant. Much of their teaching focuses on aspects that link learning to real life.”

Inspectors said that staff work hard to ensure that pupils are safe in and out of school and “understand the additional vulnerabilities of pupils with very complex needs”.

Ofsted said that to improve further the school needs to work to promote pupils’ love of reading and that careers education and work to provide pupils with work experience need to be planned in a more consistent way.

Headteacher Lesley Walkden said: "I am immensely proud of the pupils and staff at Aspris Children’s Services, Tadley Court School on the recent Ofsted result. The pupils at Tadley Court are amazing, their resilience and achievements continue to astound me. The staff have worked tirelessly over the last few difficult years, during the pandemic and the recent Ofsted result is testament to their commitment to ensure the best outcomes for every child and young adult at Tadley Court."