Every week and in every edition of the Gazette, we include community news from around Basingstoke and surrounding villages.

Buckskin and Highfields

The Ridgeway Centre’s Spring activities are now getting underway, with the emphasis on young people. Street dancing classes start at The Ridgeway Centre on 20th April with two sections regularly on Thursdays. For those between the ages of five years and eight years the sessions are from 4.30pm until 5.30pm. For children from nine years of age upwards the session is from 6pm until 7pm. At a cost of £1 per child, this is an opportunity not to be missed. To book a place call 01256 470665 or message bwcaridgeway@gmail.com.

The centre has recently welcomed young dogs on a Tuesday evening for dog training classes. These have proved to be very popular and, judging by the behaviour of the participants, are proving to be very successful.

The Ridgeway Centre is very keen to hear from any local groups who wish to hire a space for their approved activities, or from residents who would like to start an activity that The Ridgeway Centre could support. Please forward your ideas to Dee O’Sullivan, the Centre Co-ordinator. 

Buckskin Residents Action Group are meeting this week with the representatives of Urban & Civic for an update of the progress of the Manydown Development and how it will affect both Buckskin and Highfields Estates.

Residents will no doubt be aware of the Local Council Elections on Thursday 4th May with five candidates vying for the one available seat in the Kempshott and Buckskin Ward. The Ridgeway Centre will act as a Polling Station on the day from 7am to 10pm.  

Pete Diamond



Chineham WI's April meeting is on 24th at 7.30pm in Christ Church, Reading Road, Chineham. Their speaker this month is Kate Bettison, giving her talk ‘My Life as a Film Extra’!  Something doubtless many people have thought about doing...being a dirty faced street urchin in Les Mis with its rousing songs, or maybe a zombie in the background with legs and arms dropping off in the late afternoon of the possibly not dead dead. Anyway, it sounds like a fascinating talk, so do go along and join them. You can have a cuppa and a chat, you may even meet a neighbour or two, you may even wish to join the group.

Early news: On 20th May the WI are holding their Annual Plant and Cake sale in the morning and early afternoon at the Chineham Shopping Centre.  For more information call 07588533340, 02380616712 or reception@hampshirewi.org.uk.

Do you have a computer question? Not sure about downloading apps to your tablet? Age Concern offers free IT sessions for over 50s at Chineham Library on Wednesday mornings.

Book your appointment by contacting Kim via telephone at 01962 868545, or e-mail: kim.stone@ageconcernhampsire.org.uk

Fiona Biermann



On Tuesday 25th April, the Cliddesden Community Conservation Group will be holding their AGM and Social Evening, beginning at 7.30pm, at the Millennium Hall. Robyn Leslie from Hart Wildlife Rescue will be giving a talk, regarding how sick and injured wildlife is nursed back to health by a dedicated team of volunteers at a local wildlife hospital. Entry is free and all are welcome; there will be a buffet, bar and raffle.

Finally, a quick reminder that there will not be a village Coffee Morning in May, due to the Spring Bank Holiday and then the Coronation of King Charles III the following week. The event will resume as normal on Monday 8th June, so join us for table tennis, book and stationery stalls and, of course, hot drinks and cake. The venue is the Millennium Hall, between 10.30am and 12noon.

Helen Walker


Hatch Warren and Beggarwood

Review of car park operation: I attended a meeting with management from Sainsbury's, and Maria Miller MP, to review the operation of the ANPR cameras and associated parking restrictions. The reports were positive: the store believes that the new regime has eliminated (or nearly so) the misuse of the car park for car meets. That isn't to say that they have been eliminated from the area. Sadly there are still reports of antisocial driving based elsewhere.

Friends of St Mark's School are organising a family 5k sponsored walk to raise money for the school. It will take place on 21st May from 1pm. The route will start and end at the school and will use footpaths and parks around the area. Each participant who crosses the line will receive a 5k medal. Departure times will be staggered. The organisers stress that this will not be a running event and all children must walk with an adult.

A30 Cones: Local residents are concerned about the cones on the A30 leading to the road works for the junction into the golf course site. The developers have had the A30 coned off for a long time and for a long distance. The residents are asking why the cones extend as far as they do. I am making enquiries: I suspect that the coning off of obstructions on highways is defined in national legislation but will find out for certain.

Lager Festival: The Community Association is advertising its annual Lager Festival for the evening of 17th June. They offer something for everyone with a selection of wine, prosecco, ale and cider so don't let the name make you think it is only about lager! They also have food on the night supplied by El Bigote - Mexican Street Food. To book your tickets visit ticketsource.co.uk/hwca/t-gajjrrk. Member of the Community Association are entitled to a discount.

Beggarwood Bookworms have their next meeting on 3rd May at the Beggarwood Community Centre. This is an opportunity to meet people and discuss a book of the month.

Emergency Alert: On Sunday 23 April 2023 at 3pm, there will be a national test of the UK Emergency Alerts service. This is a UK government service that will warn you if there’s a danger to life nearby. This is a facility to deliver a warning through your mobile phone or tablet, with advice on how to stay safe. To stress the point, the occurrence on Sunday will be a test only.

Stephen Reid 



As a follow-up to last week’s mention of Kempshott History Group, residents can find a complete treasure trove on their website - kempshotthistory.org.uk. It has recently been updated and has details of the group, its published research and current projects. You are sure to discover there is more to Kempshott than a suburb of Basingstoke with roads named after birds, flowers and lakes.

Kempshott WI meets on Monday at 2.30pm at the Village Hall; the speaker is Judy Theobald who makes an eagerly anticipated return. This time her subject is Flushed with Success - a title which hints at convenience. Ladies who would like to visit are most welcome while members know to expect a treat.

Diana Manville



Coronation Party in the Park on Saturday 6th May 3pm-7pm at the Peter Houseman Sports Ground, Oakley. Free entrance. Refreshments provided by OCA and bar provided by Barley Mow. Bring a blanket and picnic. Disabled parking only.

Oakley Front Garden Stalls on Saturday 24th June, 12noon to 4pm. Visit a wide range of stalls all around Oakley. Full details and booking form on ocaoakley.org. Book your stall by Saturday 17th June. Village map available of stalls in the following week.

The next Oakley Health Walk will be on Sunday 30th April in Steventon.

Annual Parish Meeting on Wednesday 26th April, 7pm - 9pm at Oakley Junior School. A meeting for Oakley residents - giving you the opportunity to learn more about the work of your parish council, accompanied by our borough and county representatives to discuss local issues. Hear from guest speakers, including NHS Community Care with Watership Down Health and Hampshire Police, PCSO Andy Jones.

Tiffany Wise


Old Basing and Lychpit

Please remember that Old Basing and Lychpit Good Neighbours are here to help. If you need transport to an appointment or just a friendly face to have a cup of tea and a chat with then, please call 03330440116.

The post box outside Old Basing Village Shop in Belle Vue Road is once again looking absolutely splendid with the spring theme showing a range of knitted and crocheted flowers, a scarecrow and even a hedgehog. It’s certainly worth checking out and guaranteed to make you smile.

The Ivy Club enjoyed Easter celebrations with hot cross buns and a wonderful Easter Egg Raffle thanks to generous donations from Tesco, Martin’s Garage, Asda and LMW. Although the May trip to Gunwharf Quays has been cancelled, due to lack of numbers, planning is underway for the annual seaside visit in the summer. The Ivy Club will be celebrating the Coronation with a fish and chip lunch and trifle followed by something to toast our new king and queen. The Ivy Club meets each Wednesday in the Jack Morris Hall in Old Basing Royal British Legion from 1.30pm until 4pm. The entrance fee of £2 covers refreshments, a raffle, a chance for a good old fashioned chin wag, book and jigsaw exchange, entertaining quiz games and fortnightly bingo.

The Village Café’s April opening is on Friday 28th April from 2pm – 4pm. The refreshments at the following opening on Friday 5th May will have a Coronation theme and anyone who has a birthday on 6th May will be given a free slice of cake.

Elspeth Lee



Tonight NWR (National Women’s Register) are holding their April meeting which is a Polish evening. Gill says: “Every year we have a country theme and this year its Poland. Our host has Polish heritage and will give us a talk and we are all bringing some delicious-sounding Polish treats to eat.”

Piano Man: The Piano Man, Greg Agar, is back at the White Hart on Saturday. This is an event run by the Loddon Lillies who will be presenting a cheque to their chosen charity, North Hampshire Prostate Cancer Support Group. Music starts at 8pm.

Coronation: Not long now till the Coronation weekend celebrations. In Sherfield residents can watch the event on the big screen in the Village Hall. There’s a street party on Sunday, May 7, so the road outside the village hall will be closed for part of the day.  There are all sorts of activities: Get a Union Jack tattoo, quiz and word search, table bingo, coronation hat prize or have your picture taken with ‘King Charles’. And on Monday, May 8 there’s a programme of activities organised by the Village Green Volunteers. 

Chris Horton