Every week and in every edition of the Gazette, we include community news from around Basingstoke and surrounding villages.


On Sunday 7th May is the Cliddesden, Farleigh Wallop and Ellisfield Horticultural Society’s Plant Sale. This is to be held at the Millennium Hall, from 11am-1pm. Please note that the time has been changed to allow for all the events taking place over the Coronation Weekend.

Later this month, on Thursday 25th, there is a talk by Kat Freeman entitled: “Help your plants thrive the natural way”. As always, the cost of this will be £1 for members and £2 for guests; refreshments are available at the end, for a donation.

New members are always welcome, at the cost of £10 per household, per year. Please contact Chairman Steve Bowcutt for more information (Stephen.bowcutt@btinternet.com).

Helen Walker


Hatch Warren and Beggarwood

Brighton Hill Roundabout: I have been advised of another partial closure of the Brighton Hill roundabout, required as part of the ongoing major improvement works. It will be in place between Tuesday 8th May and Friday 30th June and will enable the contractor to progress the next phase of the works as quickly as possible. Once again, some motorists will be required to divert via the Winchester Road and Kempshott roundabouts. All approach roads will remain open and a single lane will service A30 traffic. The previous use of this model seemed to work as planned, but motorists are asked to allow additional time for journeys. Further details are available on the scheme web page.

Broadmere Road Adoptions: Work has started to ensure that highway land is in the correct state at the front of houses for the ongoing maintenance of the roads once they are adopted. There was a risk that this work would lead to the felling of a tree but, following representations from a resident, I was able to intervene. The officers have agreed not to fell the tree, but to trim it and then check its suitability to be retained.

Traffic Cones on the A30: I have asked about the layout of the traffic cones leading to the junction being constructed for access to the old Golf Course development. I am advised that the layout is best for safety reasons. I have asked, however, how much longer they will be required and whether there is a hold-up on the construction work.

Community Association Annual Meeting: The Community Association is advertising its Annual Meeting which will be held on Wednesday 7th June at 7pm at the Beggarwood Community Centre. Tickets can be booked via Ticketsource and are free. This is an important meeting as the trustees cannot operate successfully without the continued support of the Association Members.

Cricket at Brighton Hill School: In a huge coup for the school, Brighton Hill has been chosen as the official home of Hampshire Cricket’s first youth academy in North Hampshire. This is a scheme to allow state school students an opportunity to access elite cricket. Stars from Hampshire Hawks and Southern Vipers came to the school to help launch the initiative and dozens of young people were given the chance to meet them. Cricket fans will be delighted as there has been concern that the sport has been in decline in state schools.

Stephen Reid



The Zone usually takes place on the first Friday of the month at St Mark’s Church with young people in school years 6 to 8. It’s a space for them to relax and meet up with friends. Games such as basketball, pool and table tennis are really popular, as are computer games. Young people have time to chat about all sorts of things and also spend time thinking through some of the bigger life questions too. The longest queue is at the sweet stall! More details can be found on the website parishofbasingstokedown.org.uk/church-life/children-and-youth/the-zone.
Members of Old Down and Beggarwood Wildlife Group were delighted to be able to appoint both a secretary and treasurer at their recent AGM, held at Old Down Hall. The group have regular work parties at Old Down and would welcome additional volunteers.
Kempshott Village Hall will be in use as a polling station on Thursday.

Diana Manville



Oakley Ramblers next walk will take place on Friday 5th May. Meet at 9.50am at school’s lay-by for 10am start. Walk is in Woodmancott area and is 4.5 miles approximately. Find further details at oakleyramblers.org or email oakleyramblers@gmail.com

Coronation Party in the Park on Saturday 6th May 3pm-7pm at the Peter Houseman Sports Ground, Oakley. Free entrance. Refreshments provided by OCA and bar provided by Barley Mow. Bring a blanket and picnic. Disabled parking only.

St. Leonard’s/Wootton St. Lawrence Church

On May 7th there will be a Coronation focussed service at St. Lawrence, Wootton, with a 10am All Age Service at St. Leonard’s.

The Big Help Out - Volunteering opportunities in Oakley – on Monday 8th May from 1-4pm at The Green Hut, 74 Hill Road, Oakley. As part of The Big Help Out running nationally, Oakley Stitchers have organised an Oakley Big Help Out event to highlight volunteering opportunities within Oakley.

Oakley Gardening Club meeting on Monday 8th May from 7.30-9pm at St Leonard's Centre, St Leonards Centre, Rectory Rd, Oakley. The speaker will be John Baker on the subject of Perfume in the Garden. The competition will be for an arrangement of flowers from the garden based around a kitchen item.

Oakley Gardening Club Plant Sale on Saturday, 13th May from 10am-1pm at 9 Oakley Lane.

Oakley Front Garden Stalls on Saturday 24th June, 12noon to 4pm. Visit a wide range of stalls all around Oakley. Full details and booking form on ocaoakley.org. Book your stall by Saturday 17th June. Village map available of stalls in the following week.

Tiffany Wise


Old Basing and Lychpit

The next few days promise to be busy. First on Friday 5th May the Village Café will have a Coronation themed afternoon with a free slice of cake given to anyone with a birthday on 6th May (please provide proof of your date of birth if this applies to you).

Then there will be a full day’s celebration of the Coronation at the Royal British Legion on Saturday 6th May with the event being live streamed. Breakfast will be served from 9.30-10.30am when the procession starts on screen. There will also be cream teas served from 2pm and a tombolo and games. Later in the day there will be a Club Gin Bar, Barbecue and entertainment by the Osprey Roadshow.

On Sunday the Coronation Big Lunch takes place on the Recreation Ground. Everyone is invited to take their own picnic, table, chairs, gazebo etc to celebrate the Coronation with the community. The Leather and Willow Pizza Van and an ice cream van will be there. The Cricket and Bowls Clubs both have matches on that day so as well as play equipment and space for the children to run around there will be plenty for everyone to enjoy. Additional parking will be available.

Old Basing’s Methodist Chapel will be holding a lunch for all their church family on Monday 8th May from noon to 3pm followed on Wednesday by the usual lunch for MHA members. The following week, on Tuesday 16th May, will see a new venture under the name of CAMEO (come and meet each other). This will be from 11am until 1.30pm when there will be sandwiches, cakes and drinks provided.

Finally, something completely different. The Speedwatch Team have recently had a new volunteer joining the group but they could always do with more help. Please contact the parish council if you are able to help.

Elspeth Lee



Percy’s Plant Sale: Dan says: “Our Annual Village Sale to be held at Sherfield Village Hall on Saturday 20th May from 9.30am-12pm.  Come along and enjoy the morning. A wide variety of plants will be available ready for your Spring Planting and offered at very keen prices.

“If you would like to contribute to our sale please bring your plants along, duly labelled, on the day 9am-9.30am. There will be a huge selection of both vegetables and flowers, everything from tomatoes, beans, cabbages, courgettes, strawberries and bedding plants, perennials, geraniums, pelargoniums, dahlias, all ready for planting out. 

“This is a regular local village event held jointly by Sherfield Village Hall, Sherfield Gardening Club and St Leonards Church.”

Further details contact Dan Farrow 01256 882680.

Coronation: There are lots of events happening this weekend.  

On Saturday, you can go along to the Village Hall to watch the Coronation on the Big Screen.  The hall will be open from 10.30 with the service starting at 11. Tea and cake will be available – all donations of cakes gratefully received!

On Sunday:  There will be a Service of Thanksgiving for the Coronation of King Charles III and Queen Camilla, led by St Leonards Church, Sherfield on Loddon with the Breach Lane Baptist Chapel. Following the service, outside the village hall there is the Coronation Big Lunch from 12.30pm till 4pm. Tables available from 12midday. Competitions for best decorated table and coronation hat or crown, adults and children. You can get a union jack tattoo, have our picture taken with ‘King Charles’.  There will be a quiz, wordsearch and table bingo. Toast to the new King at 2pm.   Please bring your own food and chairs. 

On Monday:  The King’s Coronation Walk, the start time is 10am from St Leonard’s Church. Please see local Facebook pages or email stleonardssherfield@gmail.com for more details. And on Monday afternoon, Sherfield on Loddon Village Green Volunteers Coronation Event starts at 2pm at the Cricket Pavilion. From 2pm there will be barbecue, tea coffee and cakes, a just for fun table quiz and face painting. At 2.15pm Children’s Kings and Queens Fancy Dress Parade and at 3pm the Bubbles Man, Part 1. At 3.30pm there’s Hayley the Hoola-Hooper and Fire Eater and the Bubbles Man returns at 4.30pm. At 5pm the winner of the quiz will be announced and at 5.15pm there’s Song Circle. The afternoon will be rounded off with complimentary Prosecco for the toast and the National Anthem.

Chris Horton