DNA from a black hair caught on a barbwire fence has provided ‘definitive proof’ that big cats are roaming the British countryside, according to the makers of a new documentary.

The strands of hair found after a sheep was attacked in Gloucestershire following ‘unusual predatory’ activity were sent off for testing when video footage of a large black animal captured a few miles away raised suspicions.

The documentary makers of Panthera Britannia Declassified have been investigating sightings across the UK and said the test came back 'positive', confirming the existence of black panthers and other big cats living in the countryside.

Read more: 'Beast of Basingstoke' - It's not the first time a black panther has been spotted

The forensic laboratory results confirmed the DNA was a 99 per cent match to a big cat species. 

Sightings of big cats in and around Basingstoke have been reported for years. 

Now, the DNA evidence proves that big cats are roaming the British countryside, confirming that previous sightings in the borough could have been big cats. 

Here, we look at previous sightings of big cats in and around Basingstoke.

In April 2021 footage was captured by a Basingstoke resident showing a mystery beast stalking across fields near Sherborne St John.

The video showed a mysterious brown and black coloured animal that resembled a big cat.

The dog walker who spotted the animal told the Gazette they thought it was a lynx.

Read more: WATCH: Basingstoke residents spot 'big cat' stalking across the fields

The previous year, in May 2020, just four-and-a-half miles away on Manydown Farm, Henrik Winberg spotted a large feline nicknamed locally as the ‘Basingstoke Beast’.

The then 43-year-old told the Gazette in May 2020: "I was walking my dog around 5:30 up on Manydown farm. I was on the phone to my partner when I saw this black panther about 100 meters away moving fast.

"My daughter says it is definitely a black panther. It is very big.

"I felt afraid to let my dog loose. I would not let him off the lead. It looked bigger than a fox. I was not frightened but intrigued."

See also: 'Beast of Basingstoke' big cat spotted in Basingstoke

According to the international wildlife charity Born Free, more than 300 dangerous wild animals are residing in Hampshire alone.

The animals include six big cats such as European Lynx and Servals.

Have you ever spotted a big cat in Basingstoke? Get in touch by emailing emily.roberts@newsquest.co.uk.