A CCTV controller has been praised by police for saving two women from being raped by a “dangerous” man.

Costache-Flaviuis Ruset, 30, of Mark Lane in Basingstoke, attempted to rape the women at around 4am on February 18, 2023, on Timberlake Road in Basingstoke.

Ruset was sentenced to nine years in prison, with an extended licence period of six years, after pleading guilty to attempted rape, assault by penetration, attempted GBH and ABH at Winchester Crown Court on Monday, January 12.

The court heard that at 4.31am on Saturday, February 18, a CCTV operator, monitoring the town’s CCTV cameras, became aware of a suspicious incident involving a man and two women on Timberlake Road.

READ MORE: Basingstoke man jailed for rape attempt and assault

The operator immediately alerted police directly through the police radio link when he saw the man pull one of the women to the ground and start assaulting her.

The court was told that two women, both in their 20s, had been walking home from a night out in Basingstoke when one of the women went to look for an item they had dropped.

Whilst waiting for her friend on Timberlake Road, the other woman was approached by a man unknown to her. The man, Ruset, pushed the woman to the ground and then attempted to rape her.

The woman’s friend returned moments later which caused Ruset to get up.

Both women started to walk away when Ruset ran up behind them and kicked the friend on her back, causing her to fall to the ground. He then stamped on her head and punched her several times while she lay on the ground.

He then turned to the first woman and assaulted her, causing her to fall to the ground.

Upon hearing police sirens and seeing blue lights, Ruset ran off.

Police officers gave chase whilst the CCTV controller continued to follow Ruset on the CCTV cameras, giving the officers direct commentary as to Ruset’s locations and direction of travel.

The CCTV controller watched Ruset hide behind some commercial bins in Feathers Yard and informed officers.

Ruset was arrested at 4.36am and subsequently charged.

Detective Inspector Mike Higgins from the Northern Investigation Team said it was a “terrifying incident that has had a significant impact” on both the women involved.

He said: “I would like to praise them for the strength they have shown during this fast paced investigation. I hope that now Ruset is in prison this will go some way to helping them move forward and begin to rebuild their lives.”

DI Higgins also commended the CCTV controller for his quick response to the incident and calling the officers when he noticed something wasn’t right.

“His actions allowed us to stop Ruset and prevent the women coming to further harm.

“By following Ruset’s movements on CCTV and guiding officers on the ground he allowed us to locate Ruset within minutes from the moment he fled the scene.

“As a consequence, Ruset had no option but to plead guilty and I am pleased we have been able to bring him to justice so swiftly and avoid these women having to relive the ordeal in court.

“Ruset is a dangerous, predatory man and he will now spend a long time in prison for what he did.

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“No-one should have to feel in fear of their safety when walking the streets, no matter what time of day or night it is. Everyone should feel safe and protected within our communities and violence of any kind will not be tolerated.

“I hope this case sends a clear message to those who predators and those who commit sexual and violent offences, you will be pursued, we will catch you and you will be dealt with robustly.

“I also hope this sentence demonstrates our commitment, and partnership work, in tackling violence against women and girls and keep everyone safe.”