STAFF from a junior school in Basingstoke have been commended for their 'overwhelming positivity' following inspectors' latest Ofsted report.

Kempshott Junior School in Old Down Close has been rated as good in the report which was carried out on April 18 and 19 this year.

In the report, several areas within the school were given credit including the fact that teaching to read is a priority for the school; in core subjects, staff plan learning in carefully-ordered steps; pupils access a wide range of activities outside of lessons; and staff are overwhelmingly positive about their school and are proud to work there.

The report reads: "They [staff] feel supported and valued by the senior leadership team. Leaders minimise the challenges faced by staff in respect of workload and support well-being.

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"Staff appreciate the concern shown by leaders. The governing body is extremely knowledgeable about the school’s priorities. Governors bring a range of useful experiences to their roles. As a result, they challenge and support leaders very effectively."

Headteacher Fiona Craig said: "We are very pleased with the recognition from Ofsted that the school continues to be graded as a Good school. We were graded as “good” in all areas which include: Quality of education, Behaviour and attitudes, Personal Development, Leadership and Management and Overall effectiveness of the school. From the feedback received from the team, the judgement was very strong and in some areas bordering on a higher grade.  

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"Our children were outstanding during the visit; courteous and eager to talk to our visitors about the school and all the aspects of school life. As teachers we were thrilled to hear from the children, unprompted, how safe they feel at the school and that they know there is always someone they can talk through any worries with. Our children are our greatest asset supported by an able and inspiring staff, informed and knowledgeable Governors and supportive parents – what a team."

The report gave some areas of improvement for teachers within the school. Inspectors felt that leaders were "not clear enough about the precise knowledge that they want pupils to learn" and said in some subjects teachers did "not use assessment well enough to check on pupils’ learning".