PROGRESS has been made to secure Hatch Warren Retail Park against the car meets that disturb hundreds of families across the estate.

Hampshire County councillor Stephen Reid held a meeting with a representative of JLL, the company responsible for managing the car park.

He said: "I explained how the car park is being misused and how severe the disruption is for local residents. I also pointed to the evidence of ‘recent 'donutting’, and showed the lady the gates to the retail park, which could be shut and locked overnight but are currently left open.

“I was pleased that the points I made appeared to be sympathetically received, with an agreement that local residents should not have to suffer the intrusions and disturbances caused by the car meets."

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Following the meeting he has said that he understands JLL is now minded to employ security guards to close and lock the gates at night after the shops have shut.

He continued: "This will have to be discussed with the retailers and the owners of the park, but I was left hopeful that we will see action soon.

“I see this as a major step forward and hope to hear back from JLL in the near future.”

The Gazette has reported on numerous car meets in the past few months.

Basingstoke district inspector for Hampshire Constabulary Mike Thorne, previously said: “We are aware of the significant impact these kinds of incidents are having on our community.

“I would like to reassure local residents that we take any report of anti-social use of vehicles extremely seriously.

“A force operation, known as Op Chromium, was set up earlier this year so officers could allocate resources in order to tackle the anti-social use of motor vehicles.

“In Basingstoke, we have a tactical lead whose job is to proactively monitor information and intelligence and work closely with local partners, landowners and businesses to address any concerns.

“The local neighbourhood policing team will review incidents and reports of anti-social or dangerous driving linked to unauthorised car meets and where there is evidence of offences, we will take further action.”

Inspector Thorne added: “Our message is clear: anti-social behaviour will not be tolerated in Basingstoke.

SEE ALSO: Hay lorry overturns on road near roundabout

“Anti-social use of a vehicle can result in the driver receiving a S59 warning, which could result in any future vehicle driven by this person being seized should they continue to drive in this manner.

“Officers would like to remind organisers of events that they must seek permission from the landowner and the district or city council.

“If you have concerns or information on any criminal activity taking place, please contact us on 101 or 999 in an emergency.”